Using organic vegetables and fruits, grass-fed meat, pasture raised eggs and wild caught fish to cook with is my priority for consuming nutrient dense food.
It is also important to me to use organic herbs and spices, organic raw nuts and butters, and to use healthy cooking oils and other ingredients even if I use only one or two tablespoons or teaspoons of them to cut down on the chemicals and toxins in my food. Over time the toxins can all add up.
I have also learned the importance of cooking with healthy fats and oils and knowing how to use them when cooking. Some cooking fats and oils are healthier in their natural state and lose their nutrients when heated. Other fats and oils have a smoke point which means if they are heated at a temperature higher than their smoke point the fat or oil can become unhealthy and produce toxins and cancer-causing free radicals.
Storing fats and oils is also critical so that they don't go rancid and become toxic. Room temperature oils are best stored in a dark glass closed container to prevent oxidation and kept in a cool, dry, place like a cubbard away from light or heat to prevent rancidity.
Check out the two links below for more information, and I encourage you to do your own research on this topic as there are differing opinions with some of these fats and oils.